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a worker plows heavy white snow during a Michigan winter.jpg

Snow removal 

why ostel's for your winter needs ?

Why choose us over a different company? Well that's simple.


Our first priority above all else is winter safety. No one wants to slip and hurt themselves. We also perform site checks when there is the possibility of icy conditions.

We use premium salt for all of our properties, in addition we also off pet friendly options to protect your furry friends at no additional cost!

We do not have limits to the number of snow falls per month, so you can breathe easy knowing it will always be taken care of.

We accommodate every individual properties needs. If you don't like heavy machinery such as plows, we'll take care of it the good old fashion way!

On top of that, we spend the extra time to ensure your property is as clean as possible!

what we offer 

We offer seasonal contracts for the hassle free approach which has you covered for every snow fall! With our simple monthly billing system it only takes minutes to have that peace of mind.

We also offer vacation services for anyone who's on that sunny winter getaway! 

If you only want the service on extreme snowfalls, we also have you covered with our one time visits!

For commercial properties we offer seasonal contracts or a per push service! You can also add it on from your summer property maintenance package!

Winter snow removal begins November 1st and ends March 31st.

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